MSX fair Nijmegen 2025

Fair date: Saturday, March 8th

Hi! Welcome to the homepage of the 20th MSX fair in Nijmegen! The MSX fair in Nijmegen is the newest (and for a long time now already the only) regular Dutch MSX fair, meant to be the successor of the MSX fair in Oss, which was held in January (in 2005 for the last time). This fair is organised by myself, with support from Raymond van der Meulen. I hope it is a worthy replacement for Oss.

2025's fair will be held on Saturday the 8th of March in "Dorpshuis De Lèghe Polder" in Beuningen (a village close to Nijmegen). It opens for visitors at 10am (but you are welcome to come from 9.00am to help setting up the room!). At 6.00pm the room should be completely empty again.

After fair dinner

After the fair, we are planning to have dinner with the remaining visitors in the building that also hosts the fair. The caterer needs to know for how many people to cook, so please let me know if you want to join on beforehand. Please do not use the registration form for this, but just send me an e-mail. The form is only meant for people who want to register a booth. Because I have to order at the caterer, reservations are only confirmed by paying in advance.

Support and Sponsoring

If you'd like to support the fair, there are two important ways to do that: the first is to promote the fair, to attract as many visitors as possible. The second is organizing activities during the fair. Please discuss with me on beforehand, but stuff like this makes the fair really interesting. Great examples of activities are the (in)famous MSX Quiz, the Triplex setup we had in the past, small (gaming) contests and stuff like that. Looking forward to your plans!

You can also sponsor the fair financially. This means that you can contribute to pay the price of the venue. There is no other way the money will be spent and there is no other advantage on sponsoring. But it may keep organizing the fair possible for reasonable table prices.

If you want to sponsor or support the fair, please contact me.

For all previous and current sponsors and supporters: thank you very much, also on behalf of the people who registered booths and all visitors!


Additional information:

If you want to get an impression of the venue and the atmosphere there, take a look at some photos of a previous event.


2025-01-02 - Online registration form

It's 2025! We wish you the best for this new year!

An online registration form is now available.

Paper registration forms will not be available.

The participants list will be updated as soon as registrations are received. If you registered, but didn't get a reply within 2 days, please contact the organisation by e-mail.

Other news: the price for the Chinese food buffet after the fair is set to €16.50 per person. And, as stated above, this needs to be paid when reserving for your seat. The caterer needs to know a week before the fair for how many persons they should prepare food.

2024-08-13 - Announcement

Announcement of the 2025 fair. Website updated.

Registration forms will be made available approximately two months before the fair.

A new fair will take place 2025!

I hope to welcome you all again at De Lèghe Polder in Beuningen 8 March 2025!

Participants list

openMSX Team #
Demonstration of the current development version of openMSX, including the new user interface with integrated debugger that was introduced last release, and many other features. Of course questions will be answered and comments and suggestions are most welcome.
Gotek Retro #
Sale of MSX related stuff like video cables, Goteks for MSX, some cartridges and other small things.
HomeComputerMuseum #
Demonstration of museum items.
MSX Connection
Sales of Spanish MSX Products (Which ones, you wonder? stay tuned at
Recording interviews for the best MSX Podcast. Do you have anything interesting to say? Then stop by and let's talk: mi microfono es su microfono, just let me press the record button...
Homebrew MSX hardware and software.
Demonstration and background information of finished and new projects.
Bad Landed
Demonstration of playable demo of Castlevania-like game (name to be determined later) of Team Bad Landed.
Promotion of Fony and and nostalgic activities.
SymbOS #
Get ready to experience the future of retro computing with the final release of SymbOS 4.0! Packed with new features, new drivers, sound and a windowed user interface, SymbOS 4.0 takes your MSX experience to the next level. Best of all, it's completely free to download! Whether you're a seasoned MSX enthusiast or a newcomer, SymbOS 4.0 offers a functional and easy-to-use operating system for your MSX machine. Don't miss out on this revolutionary update—SymbOS 4.0 will be available and demonstrated in its full potential at the Dutch Nijmegen MSX Fair!
Demonstration of MSX hardware and games that weren't shown before.
MSX Pico & more
Demonstration and sales of MSX Pico and USB mouse adapter.
Outer Heaven #
Sale of music disk Outer Sounds (all revenue will go to MSX2GOTO40).
Promotion of SixPac, the latest FM cartridge.
Cosy MSX hangout!
Showing off the Flashjacks cartridge and other interfaces.
Old and new software, demonstration of the MSXVR and hopefully the MSXVR portable.
FutureDisk & MSX2GOTO40 # & #
Promotion MSX2GOTO40, FD50 and sale of A Lone Wolf and the last copies of Matchy Matchy.
Repair-Bas #
Buying, repairing and selling MSX material. Cables, parts and expansions.
MSX Club West-Friesland #
Selling and buying MSX material. Books, manuals and magazines.
Louthrax #
SofaRun on RS Disk driver.
Team NXT
Promotion of our project Usas 2 and sale of Japanese games.
Laurens Holst #
Demonstration of ASCII16-X Mapper XL 8MB.
Selling and demonstrating software and MSX related goods.
Manuel Martinez
Prototype showcasing: MegaPI (Raspi Pico low cost cartridge), MegaRV (RiskV board with superimpose).
Demos of Edelweiss and Penguin Karts.

This list will be updated as more participants register.

Registration form

An online registration form is now available.

Online registration form


Nijmegen/Beuningen is located in the middle-east (!) of the Netherlands, not too far from Oss, where a similar fair was held before 2006. It can be reached easily as well by car as by train. If you come by train, you should count on a bus trip through Nijmegen and Beuningen of about 20 minutes. The actual venue is in Beuningen, a village very close to Nijmegen.

The address:

Dorpshuis "De Lèghe Polder"
Schoolstraat 16
6641 DC Beuningen
The Netherlands

Dorpshuis De Lèghe Polder

If you're coming by car, you'll need to drive to the center of Beuningen. Use something like Google Maps to navigate you to the right location. There is only limited parking near the building. Be careful that the building itself is just inside a blue zone, where parking is limited to only 2 hours (with parking disc). You are advised to park outside this zone, e.g. in the Schoolstraat or on the parking lot in the Beatrixplein.

Use the following maps to get directions interactively from your location with the transportation method you use.

De Lèghe Polder on Google Street View.

Fair guidelines

BOOTH SETUP AND TEARING DOWN On the day of the fair, you can start putting up your booth between 9.00 and 10am. Because of the expected "rush" and limited parking facilities I advise you to come as early as possible. We will make sure there is room near the door to do unloading. If you need help getting all your stuff in the room, feel free to ask the organisation for help. You have to have your booth torn down at 6.00pm at the latest as the room has to be utterly clean at that time.

NO SMOKING You are not allowed to smoke in the building! The ones of you who can't get through the day without their nicotine shot (;p) can have a smoke outside the building at the designated location.

SOUND As used to be in Bussum, also I would like to have a cosy fair where the old atmosphere of different booths competing for the best sound installation will return a little :). However, in case you intend to bring audio equipment with you, please let us know in advance for the planning, and keep it civilised. If the organisation asks you to lower your volume, be so kind to comply. Place speakers as much as possible behind the booth.

FOOD AND DRINKS In our venue it is prohibited to bring your own food and drinks. This is quite fair, as the price for the venue is low, so this is how they make some money. Please stick to this rule to prevent problems with the patron. As the fair is in a gym, please refrain from drinking and eating there; do that at or near the bar instead.

Contact information

Manuel Bilderbeek

Code by Grauw

Text by Manuel Bilderbeek

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